You guys can't see it, but I've just rolled out our new posting system. What's that mean to us? About 1/10th the work to get a post on the site. That means even when we're lazy we can bust out some content w/o ever having to open an FTP program. What's it mean to you? More drunken posts. With less chance that we can fuck things up with manual coding, we can just ramble drunkenly at any time w/o any hassle. Damn it's great.
Well I guess the design is a little different, even more of an improvement to what we had.
It's friday night, I've been starting at the computer screen for 4 hours straight and I'm still sitting at work . . . it's time to party . . .
Another good week of college football is nearing. Yes, A&M will face a 5-1 Iowa State team at home. Yes, UT will get an
easy road win against Missouri. We still know what the big game for this week is(unless you live in a cave). Oklahoma will
roll into Lincoln on Saturday and put their 20 game winning streak on the line. However, Nebraska has a nice little streak
of its own- 19 straight wins at home. This, of course, is all meaningless once the game starts. Nebraska by 3. Here are
the rest of the picks from Josh at True Rival and the MGM-Mirage.
Game |
Josh |
MGM-Mirage |
Game Info |
Iowa State At Texas A&M |
-5 |
-6.5 |
1:00 PM Kyle Field |
Texas At Missouri |
snicker |
-21.5 |
1:00 PM Faurot Field |
Oklahoma At Nebraska |
-10 |
-3.5 |
11:00 AM Memorial Stadium |
By the way, we will start responding to the pile of rants from Tech students in the next few days. Matt and I shall respond
to one rant at a time according to whose school they attacked most. This should be interesting.
We joke a lot about drinking alcohol and the great times it brings, but I really think that everyone
should see this warning about drinking and the bad things that can result from it. Warning this
piece contians much harsh reality.
Click here to see the Alcohol Warning
I don't claim to the the maker of this, and I forgot where I found it or else I'd plug them.
Most people don't know what stats for a website mean. Many people compute them differently. The correct thing to do is to
just count how many times your homepage was loaded, but sometimes your site's content sucks and that number is too small.
So, the only correct thing to do is lie. But how far off do you lie? The above formula shows you how to correctly lie. It
will give you a number that in no way represents how much traffic you get, but it will make you feel like you made a good
website that lots of people visit. Using the above formula, we can proudly say that we get about 2.5 million hits a day.
As you can see, we have a new poll up. We want to know if you think Tamut.com needs a mascot to represent the site. Also,
you can find the results from the previous poll here.
We have gotten a good response from our request for Tech students to send us in rants. If you are a Tech student and missed
my challenge, click here to check it out. We will be posting some of the submitted
rants soon. I must say that one(and only one) of the rants so far won't be going straight to the Dumbfucks
On a final note, some Tech guy at Matt's party this weekend said some crap about Tech's ME dept being ranked higher than A&M's
and about how A&M's ME dept wasn't even ranked. In case that person checks out this site, he can
click here and just try
and find "Texas Tech" on the list. How do you like them apples?
Well it was hard to think that we could top the last party that we threw at our place in Austin,
but somehow we managed to do just that. So how did we do that? Our friend
DJ Eneve was spinning
in our living room during the whole party. Needless to say the girls upstairs that were trying to
study and sleep (on a fucking Sat. night!) weren't too happy. We suspect it was them that called
the cops about about 1:30 or so. Which was cool b/c it was just one cop and all he did was say
that if he had to come back that he was going to give some tickets. So all the moochers and
weird, random people left after that and our 20-30 good friends all stayed to party after that.
With 2 kegs and 15 gallons of punch, there were plenty of drinks all night. Just enough actually.
But when you get people like Miguel
helping you bong a beer and spill the shit all over me while I'm bonging the damn beer, you need that
much. Needless to say I was a little pissed.
I think you actually hear the word I'm saying there.
Oh and Eric did eventually pass out in the
back of his explorer. No one knows why he went there.
Click here to see the pics
I don't know about you, but this week's mid-terms kicked my ass. That just means you have to "work" off the stress.
On an unrelated note, we had "Sexual Technique" day in my Human Sexuality class this week. It was definitely fun to
listen to her explain how to give excellent fallatio to a guy. But was even more fun was to watch the exchange students
copy down every bit of text about each sexual
position as if they've never heard of the subject and needed the notes to study for the test. Oh wait, nevermind.
Many of the models and pictures used in class came from a great web site
Sexual Positions Free.com. A great site for those of you that are trying to abstain from not having sex. To top it off, the webmaster
has some great comments. To those of you that
are offended: eh, go somewhere else, or live a little
Last weekend I did party and took just a few pictures. It was a disco party, which just made things that much better.
Click here to see disco pics
. . . but I think this weekend will be much much more fun . . .
...to send me some intelligent rants. We get plenty of e-mail from Tech people who couldn't find a coherent sentence if
coherent sentences were as common in Lubbock as trashy women. So, I issue a challenge to every Red Raider who reads
TamUt.com: send me an intelligent rant. By intelligent, I don't mean using the word "fuck" as each part of speech. By
intelligent, I don't mean misspelling every word possible. By intelligent, I don't mean sending in something with a bunch
of run on sentences no seperated by commas with no intelligent thought and repeating yourself many times and with mispelled
words. Do not bring up the previous sentence in your rant. Instead, get your dictionary, which is holding up the short
leg of your couch, and look up the word "irony." After you do that, gather the 20 smartest(in relative terms) people in
Lubbock and see if all their minds put together can explain irony to you. By this point, I am sure you will have forgotten
why you looked up "irony" in the first place. By the time you reread my original sentence, you will have forgotten what
irony means. It's a vicious circle. Anyways, I would like to see at least one LCC student send in some sort of coherent
prose. If you think you can meet this challenge, then submit your rant to
Futility@TamUt.com. Good luck.
This week should give us some good games in the Big XII South. Colorado travels to Texas to see how good they really are.
I expect a Longhorns win, but it should be a good game. A&M travels to Manhattan, Kansas to see if they can add to
K-State's losing streak. K-State should be hungry for a win and for some revenge for what we did to them at Kyle last year.
I hope we can shake off last week's defeat and play some football. Josh from True Rival
gave us his picks for the week:
Game |
Josh |
MGM-Mirage |
Game Info |
Texas A&M At Kansas State |
-3 |
n/a |
2:30 PM Wagner Field |
Colorado At Texas |
-17 |
-10 |
2:30 PM Memorial Stadium |
Baylor At Oklahoma |
who cares |
-35 |
11:30 AM Memorial Stadium |
Tomorrow, I shall have an interesting challenge for the bright students at LCC who regularly read this site. I doubt any
of them are up to the challenge.
P.S. Randy Johnson should be tried for witchcraft after his performance in Game 1 of the NLCS.
I had a pretty good weekend, but I have no pictures to show for it. Of course, it is probably best that I don't have any
pictures. We all know that pics from TamUt.com have been used as evidence before, and pics of Damon and I drinking in the
upstairs of a TCU sorority house(I won't say which one) after hours would be considered evidence. This weekend was a wild
one for college football, but I won't elaborate since I am sure everyone here gets their tri-daily dose of Sports Center.
I do have some things for y'all to check out though. First, you need to check out this video called
American Jedi. It is cross
between American Pie and Star Wars: Episode 1. Next, if you live in Aggieland, you need to check out 99.5, The Fox. I have
been meaning to mention this station since it is the ONLY classic rock station in Aggieland, but I forget stuff. It is
broght to us Clear Channel which is the company that also owns
92.5 and 97.1 in Dallas and is owned by Lowry Mays- a petroleum engineer from A&M and namesake of the College & Graduate
School of Business at A&M(Thanks Jessica for telling me that). And finally, everyone needs their daily dose of crazy news.
Evidently, two cops decided to land their chopper at the local Krispy Kreme to procure a late night snack. The two officers
can now be recognized from up to two miles away because of their enormous balls.
Click Here to read the whole
I recently talked to a girl from Tech. Her and some of her friends were excited because they came up with a
good want "add":
WANTED: good 'ole boy who enjoys private rodeos. must be able to stick in for more than 8 seconds. Ropin'
qualifies for bonus points, must be in costume and ready to ride at all times. if man enough call 806-792-4630.
Just thought ya'll would be interested
Yeah, I know only one of these games will be an actual game, but predictions have become a weekly thing here. Hence, Josh
from True Rival has provided us with his own predictions yet again. I
pretty much agree with his picks except for the A&M/CU game. I'll take A&M by a touchdown.*
* indicates that the same A&M that played Notre Dame shows up.
Game |
Josh |
MGM-Mirage |
Game Info |
Texas A&M At Colorado |
-5 |
-8 |
2:30 PM Folsom Field |
Oklahoma At Kansas |
-21 |
-21 |
2:30 PM Memorial Stadium |
Texas At Oklahoma State |
-13 |
-21 |
11:30 AM Lewis Field |
It should be a good weekend of college football again. Miami and Florida actually get to face some real teams for a change.
OU and Texas will not. Plus, there will be hockey and baseball playoffs on as well. Another good weekend for sports.
P.S. Braves rule.
You know what I found that is just a convenience if you use the web often: the Google
toolbar. I've always hated having toolbars at the top of my browser but this is a damn handy little thing. You can just search from the
bar w/o having to go to the Google site. Then once you search, you can click the button on the bar to highlight the words that you just
searched for in the resulting pages. Very nice stuff.
But you know that pisses me off? Grocery store discount cards. I mean, why don't you just give me the freaking discount w/o the card
if it's a free card. I've always wondered that and finally found out the secret behind it all: Data Mining. They already have all of
your information since you gave it to them to register and now they track every item you buy and can do market research with that data.
It kind of makes me think that they should be paying me. Kind of deceitful if you ask me.