Old Posts - November 2000
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Well I haven't posted in a while because I haven't had anything exciting. My theory is, if
it ain't exciting, why waste the time posting it.
I do have to say that I like the new color scheme. Really hate it with a passion?
IM me and tell me why. Note that just because you don't like it, even if you have some
good reason, doesn't mean I'm going to change something.
I know that I've talked about a new layout for a while now, but I really am going to get it done,
someday. I've decided the drop-down menus will only be supported in IE so that I don't have
to make two different sets of code for IE and Nutscrape. I should have it done during Christmas
since I won't have to work or go to school during that time.
TamUt.com was originally created for A&M and UT students, but it seems we are reaching some
other demographic groups. He have gotten hits from Canada, Germany, Italy, Brazil, Malaysia,
Israel, South Africa, Spain, Sri Lanka, Uruguay, and the United Kingdom. This could mean only
one thing- people in other countries "read" Playboy and are interested in finding more pics
of the Aggie goddess, Kim Hiott. Of course, if I lived in Malaysia, I would probably "read"
Playboy instead of chasing the Malaysian women.
Note: For those of you that don't read TamUt.com on a daily basis, most search engines place
us at the top of the list when you search for "Kim Hiott."
I am back from Thanksgiving Break...well, I got back to CS around 3:30am on Sunday, but I was
too lazy to post until now. I hope everyone had a good break, but I bet no one else spent any
portion of their Thanksgiving drinking Yukon Jack while playing 42 with your aunt, uncle, and
grandma. You could tell me that you did, but you would be lying. That part of the break was
cool, but the 3 hours/day on the road kind of sucked ass. At least I can go back to never
driving outside of a 5 mile radius of my apartment. I finally posted a Homerism for November
24th and posted it in the November Homerisms Archive.
Well, finals are approaching and so is Christmas break. Since Matt and I will be
spending most of that break in Arlington, TamUt.com won't feature any new pics from A&M or
UT parties during the month long break. But it will feature pictures from our attempt to turn
A-town into some sort of party town. This time, we will try to take pics of the New Years
Party. I really wish I had more pics to fill in that 3-hour memory lapse from last year's
Gambling Note:
After my win over Sarah tonight, I am up $50+ for my last four poker games. I urge any skilled
poker player to take a shot at my reign.
Well that was great fun ranting. Definitely a nice change of pace. If you want to see
all the ranting, visit the old page . But don't write any more
rants. We're done with that all and we're back to 'bridging gaps with booze.'
As you can obviously see,
we're doing a little layout/color scheme changing. We'll probably do some changes over the
week. If you really hate something we've changed,
tell brian . I don't want to hear about it.
If you have been visiting the past couple of days, you probably noticed that the Homerisms haven't been kept up to date. Well deal with it, b/c we had partying to do. And brian didn't
have a computer so he couldn't do his typing monkey chores. I did make on for today, though
it's only going to be up for another hour. Brian says he has a good one for Friday, I guess
he'll put that in the November Homerisms Archive . I also
have the next couple of days prepare to make sure we don't fall down on the job.
Fuckin' A. I've done too much shit this week to even write about. Last night I headed out to
Side Street Bar on 6th. The bouncer was drunk when we got there so we all go in for free.
Then some dude knew the bartender and just got me free drinks all night long. Which was really
weird b/c I didn't even know the guy (and I know he wasn't gay). I think he was just wanting
to take advantage of his free drinks. He was getting everyone shit. I'm not complaining.
About half the UT football team was there. Shawn Rodgers about got
into a brawl. Let me tell you, he's one bigger mother fucker. Not anyone you would want to
get mad. All in all, good night.
I do have lot of pics from misc. shit from this week, when ever I get 'unlazy' I might post
them. Text just isn't as exciting as pictures.
Oh and by the way, no more flames on the message board. We've all had our fun.