Daily Homerism


This is Thanksgiving, so glue friendly or I'll take your glue away and no one will have any glue to glue with.

posted 4:20pm 11/24 by matt

Oh yea. UT wins, pounds the wrecking crew. I think Brian put the game into perspective nicely. However I wanted to mention that if you go to the A&M honors dorm, you might have a similar experience. It's been a great week of ranting. Hope you all enjoyed it.

posted 4:20pm 11/24 by matt

Ha! How ironic. Farris is 1 for 1 on touchdown throws, to UT! Haha. We'll see how the 2nd half goes. 10-7 UT right now.

posted 6:20pm 11/23 by matt

Well Brian pulled out stats so Petus helped me out to get our own set of stats. It's called "National Rankings of Academic Departments."

Jen said that she's tired of hearing the same thing over and over. Here is an originally made table of true facts. Not just opinions. I said A&M was going to get destroyed and now I deliver.

UT is a better school. Period

Department   UT A&M
Engineering   9 17
  Aerospace 8 17
  Chemical 6 16
  Civil 6 10
  Computer 7 NOT ON LIST
  Electrical 9 NOT ON LIST
  Enviromental 7 NOT ON LIST
  Industrial * 5
  Mechanical 10 19
  Nuclear * 9
  Petroleum 2 1
Business   5 28
  Accounting 2 22
  Finance 6 NOT ON LIST
  Intl. Business 7 NOT ON LIST
  Ebtrepreneurship 5 NOT ON LIST
  General Mgmt. 6 23
  E-commerce 3 NOT ON LIST
  Marketing 3 19
  Production 8 NOT ON LIST
  Real Estate 12 NOT ON LIST
  Human Res. 10 NOT ON LIST
Pharmacy   2 NOT ON LIST
Overall Wins 21 3
Value   10 NOT ON LIST

UT average SAT score is higher

* = UT doesn't have departments in these degrees, but still gave A&M the win for pity.

Lists always showed at least top 20.

Thanks to US News for stats.

posted 4:20am 11/23 by matt

Petus is the Man

I'm a drinker not a thinker. So all I have to say is that I'm glad Petus is on my side. Here he begins the Thanksgiving Day destruction of A&M. Brian had better get his ass to a computer and try the best he can to rebute. The UT side is looking a little bit longer. Does this mean anything?

Mark Scheurer should think before he speaks. Wait, he goes to a&m, never mind. Man you're a retard. "But I bet UT wishes they had never started anything with us ags." Haha. Why? Name one thing we have to be afraid of? The fact is in the long ut a&m rivalry, ut owns a 2-1 margin of victories. Or maybe that UT is just a better school to attend? I'm sorry, what do we have to be afraid of? Maybe being raped by you ags as you confuse the ut people with "purple mohawks" for sheep.

I'm sure that the bonfire being burned days before the ut game must have nothing to do with the game or the rivalry, or trying to pump up the kids for the game that the other team gives two shits about.

And when I say ut is not a rival of a&m, ut doesn't have a rivalry with any school. Come here and observe ut people before any game, 80-90% of the people couldn't tell you who we are playing. UT does not care about any other school. Rivalries happen when one school feels threatened by another. The 'inferior' school tries to express dominance in one aspect to gain bragging rights. UT doesn't feel threatened by any school. We don't have this hatred or need to try to beat anyone at a meaningless sport. We are content knowing that we are the best in Texas, and the surrounding states, in what counts, academics (and sports too). a&m, ou, neither school competes academically across the board. a&m's strong point, engineering, is not as good as ut's (look it up if you don't believe me). UT dominates in almost every single sport in the conference, and even at football, a&m is always trying to beat us. We are almost always ranked higher. We own a&m in the rivalry overall. But we don't care, we never bring this stuff up. But you ags gotta go and say some stupid shit.

Just because you go to a football game doesn't mean you don't have school spirit. I have been to one football game in two years, 2 after this game. But if you think I don't have as much pride for my school as you do for yours, then you're the fucking retard I have already shown you that you are. I love my school because they are providing for me the best education in the state of Texas (architectural engineering, ranked number 1 in the nation btw). I love my school, but I have pride for the right reasons, not because I have been brainwashed so that my ego relies heavily on one game.

Oh, and if everyone at a&m has school spirit, and if everyone is involved, then Nick at the rag must be a real ag, or you would be either lying or retarded.

Who here thinks the ability to think outside of a box is bad? If you answered yes, a&m is your school. In my book, liberal thinking and being "in tune" are good things. We aren't freaks, sorry. We do tolerate people here, instead of beating them, or denying their gaiety (corps).

I personally know of at least 2 people who would rather go to ut than a&m and are current a&m students. They would go to ut because our departments are obviously stronger at ut.

UT is the best school in this state. That is why the rivalries surrounding ut are all one sided. Everyone wants to beat the best. We respect your school and do not say shit to make you be all pissy, until you bad mouth us. We were very cool about the bonfire incident. I doubt that your school would have done the same. Your school has a total lack of respect for the authority figure here in Texas, UT.

posted 4:00pm 11/22 by matt

3) t.u. is not funny. It is NOT insulting. It is just dumb. Just imagine if folks from Texas kept talking about M&A, and giggling. That would not be funny. In fact, it would be retarded. That's why we don't do it. Please learn.

4) You want to lose the image of country bumpkins, of a people fond of sheep, of people that aren't stupid? Then quit building things that fall down. Quit chasing cheerleaders around with swords on national television. Quit whooping in church. Quit whooping period. Quit putting up scoreboards for the enjoyment of dead mammals. Quit spending your Friday nights practicing how to yell. Quit telling rape jokes to reporters when you're running for Governor. Just, collectively, stop making asses of yourselves. Go to East Texas, tour every small town, and ask every red neck with a 5th grade education why they cheer for A&M and wear maroon. That is your fan base. This is why you are perceived by the educated masses as stupid.

posted 4:40pm 11/21 by matt

2) The people at A&M. Now we all have friends who went to A&M or are at A&M. There are some nice people there. However......there is the Corp.East Texas' answer to dreams of ROTC kids everywhere. For every boy scout who never learned to stop playing with his GI Joe toys, there is the Corp. Now,forget the fact that A&M will actually let people with sub-par grades enroll if they agree to join the Corp. Forget the fact that the Corp looked like a Gestapo hate rally when beating down students (including one instance of tackling and punching a young girl) on Kyle Field in 1995. Forget the fact that along with the numerous hazing charges that have been filed against them, and swept under the rug over the years, they just this past month have had one Corp member bring charges against another Corp member who apparently had been propositioning others for a little autual sodomy. Not only could I go on with more instances of idiocy by these Khaki-clad-shaven-headed-dorks, I am sure each of you have your own stories.

The point is: We all respect West Point, Annapolis, The Air Force Academy; however, nobody respects the Corp. I imagine they are kind of the laughing stock of the military world. Just because you dress like the Army,and try and act like the Army, does not make you the Army. People at A&M don't even like these clowns. It is not cool to shave your head and dress up. Halloween is only supposed to be one day of the year. If you want to carry guns and beat up civilians, move to Israel.

It is even less cool to slobber on somebody's daughter on national television and call it a tradition. Dry humping 18 year old girls in the stands at football games is not cool. Not only is it not cool, it should be against the law. I know that in College Station, students are prone to just mount each other on the campus lawn, or in the middle of class, or any time anything good happens you can just grab the girl next to you and start sucking on her face. But everywhere else in the world, it is looked down upon. Especially if you are doing it on my TV. That is why we had to move the game from Thanksgiving. Because people across the nation were gagging on their turkey when in the middle of watching a football game, some boy scout is tongue thrashing some overweight co-ed during somebody's Thanksgiving dinner. We do not need to see burly women engaged in a suckfest every time your woeful offense manages to put points on the board. Some of these girls are in desperate need of a trip to the Clinique counter. Screw that, forget make-up, it is too late for that, just give them a veil.

NOTE: Before you start filling Brian's mailbox with hate mail and rebutals about this post, understand that I really don't feel this strongly about the corp. I just think it was funny. And Dan Long has already defended the corp (a defense in which I agree with). -Go read it- and see for yourself. I don't want this debate to get focused on the corp.

Oh, in case you read Jen's post over at The Campus Rag, I haven't seen any new material produced by A&M about UT either. It goes both ways here.

posted 4:45am 11/21 by matt

Well have have a great 10 part e-mail that I received. I think I will start with just part 1 for now.

1.) They won't shut up. They have to go on about spirit, and dogs,and old army, and red ass, and how bonfire represents the burning sensation they have in their urine to beat U.T., and blah bah blah. Shut up. You start to get the feeling their entire school was built to spite U.T. Forget the fact that when the Texas Legislature back in the 1870's passed legislation to start a state university they also decided to have a subsidiary branch of the main school (University of Texas) that would teach agriculture and mechanics. Ags love to say their school is older,from where they get that I don't know.........the fact is, the State intended A&M to be a branch of U.T. They are like afterbirth from the original creation. Like Danny Devito in 'Twins'. So they apparently have this complex,so much so, that they must devote their entire school to trying to prove to U.T. that they are just as good. All the while, nobody at U.T. denies that A&M is a good school, yet they won't shut up. So they write a fight song.......about?.......Texas, and how they want to beat us. They have a Fish camp for Freshman where they tell them how bad Texas is and how good A&M and all its traditions are. It is the worlds longest known case of penis envy, and it is manifested in everything A&M does.

posted 10:40pm 11/20 by matt

I think everyone will agree with me that Tech is not a real school, rather Lubbock Community College, or LCC for short. They are known for trying to start rivalries (the 'ole light bulb joke). They are laughed at by everyone.

The rivalry here for the ut a&m game is quite overstated. It really comprises of one entire school vs. about 10% of the other. Collectively, UT students could give two shits about the game. I am the only person in the honors dorm that I know of so far that is going to attend the game, a residence of well over 400 students. Our pre-game festivities consist of a ceremony one evening that takes no more than one hour, and hardly anyone attends. At a&m, the pre-game festivities start months ahead of the game, with the large bonfire (no disrespect to the tragedy, that was a horrible freak accident). It is labored on by a plethora of students. The construction process culminates in a huge ordeal with the burning. The rivalry is one-sided.

My father recently talked to an a&m alumni, a client of his. He said that the rivalry is really non-existent for the Horns. Go to the Campus Rag to see that he is not alone in this realization. So, in fact, a&m is trying to start something with ut.

So, in comparison, a&m is to ut, what tech is to the entire state. So, from now on, when I hear someone say tu, I will come back with either CSCC (College Station Community College) or CS Tech. After all, a&m has earned this distinction. Tech welcome your comrade, a&m, to the cellar of Texas' universities.
   -contributed by petus

posted 10:40pm 11/20 by matt

Dude, whats with this TU stuff you dipshits. We are UT, and believe it or not, a&m was started as the agricultural branch of the UT network. So you are nothing more than a school of UT.

posted 9:00pm 11/20 by matt

Well I think Nick at The Campus Rag started the whole thing off the best. Go look at the 11.19.2000 @ 2:11 PM post. I think it starts everything off best.

Want to add your rant about how the Faggies blow ass?

Send it in

posted 6:30pm 11/24 by brian

Well, the Wrecking Crew got wrecked. They couldn't make a fucking tackle to save their lives. They gave up 380 yards in the air. They just didn't play well at all. In addition, the offense was pretty stagnant. The offense didn't really establish a running game or a passing game. Hell, our QB started off the first series of the game in about the worst possible way. Bottom line: the Horns outplayed us.

Wow, the Horns fans are pretty fucking awful. Last year, we won with dignity and our fans showed sportsmanship towards the Horns fans. Of course, the Horns fans pretend to care nothing about the game beforehand and go crazy when they win. I really like the pussies in Pete's dorm that started talking shit after they passed me and were halfway up the stairs. I told them it was real brave to talk shit while walking away, and they didn't respond. Stupid Longhorn pussies that only show up for one game a year, and then they pretend to know something about football. Well, I am done ranting, and it is time to go back to A-town.

posted 4:35pm 11/23 by brian

Sorry that I haven't been able to post more crap about UT. I haven't been at a computer much doing the break, and last night I was busy drinking and taking my friends' money in poker. Cha ching.

Key stat for tomorrow's game:
Chris Simms has throw 10 touchdown passes this season. That sounds decent, but 5 of those were to the other team. However, I am sure he will be able to lead the Longhorns to victory. Bull shit. Good fucking luck.

posted 12:05pm 11/22 by brian

Daily Affirmation for Longhorns

I live in a town where you stand out if you don't have a purpleMohawk, facial piercing chained to nipple piercing, a homosexual lover, or hang out at the Magnolia Cafe. More people go to my school than live in Australia. I honestly believe that Ricky Williams is a god. I am open minded and spiritually in tune - except towards people who are closed minded and spiritually out of tune. Liberal women with armpit hair are cool. You can see my dorm from Chicago for it is as tall as Florida would be if it stoodup. I protest everything - except protests. I am a gold card carrying member of Amnesty International. I am openly bi-curious.
I am a Longhorn.

posted 5:50pm 11/21 by brian

Post of general disgust, unrelated to rivalry:
If I didn't have to register tonight and do some other crap, I would've been able to stop in Waco, on my home, to play poker with Steve, Brittany, and Brittany's hot roomie, Alisa. Damn university needs to schedule registration around my gambling.

posted 5:00pm 11/21 by brian

When arguing the rivalry, no one can bring up Nick from The Campus Rag. He isn't a real Aggie, and so his opinions do not reflect how the student body at Texas A&M really feels about their school.

Here is a little something which was contributed to me by Mark Scheurer. FYI: If you want your stuff posted on the UT side, you better sent it to Matt because if you send it to suggestions@tamut.com, it shall be lost forever by "accident."

Why is it UT thinks they are so damn important that we spend "months" preparing for this game. What a bunch of conceded assholes. Bonfire is not about the UT game. I dont know what moron told you that but I worked over 120 hours at Bonfire last year and I cannot recall hearing UT brought up once. Bonfire is about unity, pride, and school spirit ( just ignore these UT, you dont know what that is). At the OU game where you got the hell beat out of you ( some rivalry that is, your football team might as well stay in the locker room), your own students were wearing paint that spelled "WE SUCK." Yes you do. I whole heartedly agree. One of my friends goes to that school down in Austin. He hasnt been to a football game yet. He feels no need to because none of friends go. Here in Aggieland, EVERYONE goes to the game. The dorms are empty and we are standing, cheering our Ags on, win or lose. Pride isnt cheering when your winning (like OU), its the whole student body staying after the loss to Colorado and doing a Yell. Now thats school spirit! Just because UT the past few years has realized that its school spirit sucks and will never compare to A&M's, doesnt mean there is no more rivalry. It just mean you have picked OU (another school with no pride) to have a rivalry with because the okies are more your speed. In the past, UT has fire bombed Bonfire from the air, rushed Bonfire from the ground, tried to steal revellie, and much more. We have not forgotten. But I bet UT wishes they had never started anything with us Ags.

   -contributed by Mark Scheurer

posted 9:00pm 11/20 by brian

Friday's game shall be a true battle on the field. Of course, there is no way that the Longhorns are going to pull off a win. Sure, they may have a better record that us, but they also have a cupcake schedule.

Again, Major Applewhite will be unable to play in this year's game. However, this will be good for UT. While on the sidelines, he avoids any chance of the Wrecking Crew pounding him into oblivion. You might as well just throw a scare crow of some sort back there. The Aggie defense is going to shut down the UT offense like a health inspector at a Food Lion.