Old Posts - December 2000
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Well I should say I had a fun last night in Austin. First I took Julie (pictured at left) out
to Papasitos for her birthday. Well it turned out that my friend Marissa was working that night.
So luckily for us she hooked us up with frozen margaritas all night long. They were made just
right too. Right on! So then Julie and I met my roommate and his friend at our place, we got
our drink on for a little while then we headed for 6th street. We ended up at "The Loft." I've
never even heard of the place before, but it turned out pretty good. They played some great dance
music. I would have pictures except that I didn't feel like bringing a camera into the club. It'd
just be weird. Too bad though, I could have had some great incriminating pictures of my drunk-ass
roommate. Haha. You lucked out Dave.
Well now that I've caught up on sleep this morning (at work) I'm about to get off from work, pack my
shit up and go home. It looks like most people have gone home already. As the Typing Monkey has
mentioned before, since we will be in Arlinton, we will attempt to turn it into some sort of party
town. We've done it before, and damnit we'll do it again. What we lack in material will be made up
for in site upgrades. We will be putting up a complete new layout, new message board structure, and
many other various things. I am personally excited about the new layout... oooo, I love how it looks.
I'll put a prototype for you see and give me feed back on in a week or so.
As is tradition, I again did not leave College Station when I expected to. Of course, staying
an extra night isn't always bad. Jess and Linsey brought me a whole batch of Ingrid Balls, the
best dessert known to man. Accompanying Jess and Linsey were the always lovely Erin, CK(Chronic
Kneeler) for short and Kate. I was impressed since Kate was the first woman to actually
answer my mandatory trivia question. There is a black and white poster above my fireplace
with Jimi Hendrix, John Lennon, and Jim Morrison. Above their faces is the lyric "We All
Shine On." Whenever I point the poster out, I always ask where that lyric comes from. To my
surprise, she knew the answer. And she was also pretty damn cute, and that is always a bonus.
Also, she had seen our site before and was surprised to find out that I was one of the
webmasters(the name Typing Monkey just doesn't work the wonders with the ladies). The word
about TamUt is spreading like Laurie's four forms of the clap(two of which were discovered in her). Time to sleep now...possibly.
Also, props to my little bro, Paul, for contributing tonight's homerism.
Ah, it's nice to know that our site is providing humor and entertainment for people during exam
times. It's also cool to know that more and more people are finding about TamUt.com. In fact,
a couple girls whom I graduated with stumbled upon the site. The irony is that most of the
Martin graduates ended up at LCC...ah, so sad.
I have changed my e-mail addy from suggestions@tamut.com
to TypingMonkey@tamut.com. However, if you send
something to suggestions, it will automatically forward to TypingMonkey. I wouldn't want to
lose any pics, party stories, or hate mail from those LCC bastards. There is nothing funnier
than a poorly written, profanity laden, fallacy filled, grammatically atrocious, laughable
attempt at rational thought in e-mail form.
Time to pack my shit and head to A-town, where I will reunite with the other members of Team
Heiney and slaughter all challengers in trivia at
Bobby V's.
Party at The Bar
I am sure everyone will be in need of an escape on Wednesday night after finals end. In that