Now this is a page that we're all going to learn to love. A select few of us have
strong opinions about absolute random subjects at absolute random times. I myself have these
feelings on occasion. I support and would like to promote the digitizing of these ideologies.
Furthermore, I have supplied a place where all of us Geniuses, or G's for short, can share these
brief beliefs.
If you have a Rant that you would like to submit click below or
-click here- . Rants have absolutely no limitations to the subject. I understand that
Rants come at the oddest times about the oddest subjects. I encourage everyone to submit their rants as quickly as possible, as to not let the thought slip away into that blackhole of
thoughts that you can never get back! Whoa, don't let me get started on that one. Anyway, enjoy
the page.
Rant #1: "Syndicated Communists" Contributed by Dan Long
Rant #2: "Inter vs. non-Inter" Contributed by Eric Cummings
Rant #3: "Dumbfucks Out The Wazoo" Contributed by Petus
Rant #4: "Dormitories" Author Unknown
Rant #5: "Rebuttal to 'Dubmfucks Out The Wazoo'" Contributed by Dan Long
Rant #6: "The Ultimate Chain Letter" Author Unknown
Rant #7: "Diversity at Texas A&M" Contributed by Jim Daniel
Rant #8: "Religion" Contributed by Eric Cummings
Rant #9: "Lower Expectations for America's Wang" Contributed by Jon Apgar
Rant #10: "Rebuttal to the Dipshit LCC Student" Contributed by Brian
Rant #11: "Continued Rebuttal to the Dipshit LCC Student" Contributed by Matt
Rant #12: "Rebuttal to Dumbfuck #4" Contributed by Matt
Rant #13: "Intelligent Tech? or Oxymoron?" Contributed by Michelle Roberts
Rant #14: "Oh you poor Red Raiders" Contributed by Adam Smith
Rant #15: "Rumor Confirmed" Contributed by Garrick Bailey
Rant #16: "More rants from Tech" Contributed by Aaron Ritchie
Rant #17: "Pro-choice and pro-life: You both suck" Contributed by Jon Apgar
Rant #18: "Affirmative Action Bullshit" Contributed by Cody
Rant #19: "Rebuttal to Dumbfuck #6" Contributed by Brian
Rant #20: "Rebuttal to Dumbfuck #7" Contributed by Brian
Rant #21: "Affirmative Action" Contributed by Eric
Rant #22: "Rebuttal to Dumbfuck #8" Contributed by Brian
Rant #23: "Another Rant" Contributed by Adam Smith
Rant #24: "I like the email address" Contributed by Garrick Bailey
Rant #25: "Rebuttal to Dumbfuck #10" Contributed by Brian
Rant #26: "New Cell Phone Features" Contributed by Brian
Rant #27: "Austin Radio Sucks" Contributed by Matt
Rant #28: "What's on that chopstick" Contributed by Kim R.
Rant #29: "Rant against Rants" Contributed by Shea Trantham
Rant #30: "Rebuttal to Dumbfuck #11" Contributed by Brian
Rant #31: "Rebuttal to Dumbfuck #12" Contributed by Matt
Rant #32: "Sigma Chi's at Virginia Tech Game" Contributed by Natalie
Rant #33: "Dr. Apathy or How The Aggies Stopped Yelling and Became Fair-Weather" Contributed by Brian