When I told Dan that I was going to make a webpage for him, he asked me to take a picture of him right then.
Dan is a wrestler. Here, he is getting himself mentally prepared for his match.
After 3 bodyslams and a being dropped on his head once, you can see he's still fully functional.
Hmm, no comment.
Dan works great as a rickshaw (an Indian carriage runner).
Tic Tac box was talking shit to him, so he kicked it's ass.
Dan congratulates himself on a job well done.
... and decides to celebrate by doing a hand stand. (he didn't get hurt too bad when he fell after this pic)
Dan bit his tongue and needed to sooth it with some ice.
Then Dan started to have too much fun ... woah
Turney got upset b/c the Tic Tac box cut his knuckles, so he hit it some more. (Which ironically caused more cuts)
Dan(on right) loses all his money to Matt(in cool hat).
But yes, Dan is actually intelligent. He did graduate HS, in NHS with honors even.