December 2000
12/01/00 Download
Aah! Bogeyman! You nail the windows shut, I'll get the gun! Aarg! Bart, I don't want to
alarm you, but there maybe a boogieman or boogimen in the house.
12/02/00 Download
We got more gongs than the break-dancing robot that caught on fire.
12/03/00 Download
Ah, finally a little quiet time to read some of my old favorites...honey-roasted peanuts.
Ingredients: salt, artificial honey-roasting agents, pressed peanut sweepings...mmm.
12/04/00 Download
Ah, the last peanut- overflowing with the oil and salt of its departed brothers.
12/05/00 Download
Homer: Hmm...ow, pointy! Eww, slimey. Uh oh, moving! Ah-ha! Oh, twenty dollars...I
wanted a peanut.
Homer's Brain: Twenty dollars can buy many peanuts!
Homer: Explain how.
Homer's Brain: Money can be exchanged for good's and services.
Homer: Woo hoo!
12/06/00 Download
Well, boy, you won. So I'm going to live up to my side of the agreement: here's your turtle,
alive and well.
12/07/00 Download
Homer: OK, hotshots, now that my daughter is on your team, I want to make a few things clear.
Lisa: Please, Dad, I'll be fine.
Homer: I don't want anyone to give her a hard time just because she's different: no jokes,
no taunting... Look, that kid's got bosoms! Who's got a wet towel? Come here, you
Uter: Don't make me run, I'm full of chocolate!
12/08/00 Download
I asked for ketchup! I'm eating salad here.
12/09/00 Download
Marge: Guess what, Homey? There's going to be twice as much love in this house as there is
Homer: We're going to start doing it in the morning?
12/10/00 Download
Hey! Apu just called. This Friday, Lisa's team is playing Bart's team. You're in direct
competition. And don't go easy on each other just because you're brother and sister. I want to
see you both fighting for your parents' love!
12/11/00 Download
I'm wizzing with the door open, and I love it.
12/12/00 Download
No offense, Apu, but when they were handing our religions, you must have been out taking
a wiz.
12/13/00 Download
Homer: Kids, kids. I'm not going to die. That only happens to bad people.
Bart: What about Abraham Lincoln?
Homer: He sold poison milk to school children.
12/14/00 Download
Marge: Oh Homer, I could never remarry.
Homer: Darn right. And to make sure, I want to be stuffed and put on the couch as a constant
reminder of our marital oath.
12/15/00 Download
Marge: Anyway, it's time for the Church Picnic.
Homer: What? They had a picnic last week.
Marge: No, they didn't. You just brought a bucket of chicken to church.
Homer: If God didn't want us to eat in church, he would've made gluttony a sin.
12/16/00 Download
No, Lisa. The only monster here is the gambling monster that has enslaved your mother! I
call him Gamblor, and it's time to snatch your mother from his neon claws!
12/17/00 Download
Lisa: That's very nice, Dad, but it's wrong for you to reward violent competitive behavior.
However, I will sit up front with you if it's a fatherly gesture of love.
Homer: OK, hon. Sucker! Competitive violence, that's why you're here!
12/18/00 Download
Homer: Wow. I'll never drink another beer.
Man: Beer here!
Homer: I'll take ten.
12/19/00 Download
Homer: Burkina Faso? Disputed Zone? Who called all these weird places?
Homer's Brain: Quiet, it might be you! I can't remember.
Homer: Naw, I'm going to ask Marge.
Homer's Brain: No, no! Why embarrass us both? Just write a check and I'll release some more
12/20/00 Download
Jay: And you must be the man who didn't know if he had a pimple or a boil.
Homer: It was a gummi bear.
12/21/00 Download
Homer: Kids, there's three ways to do things. The right way, the wrong way, and the Max
Power way!
Bart: Isn't that the wrong way?
Homer: Yeah, but faster!
12/22/00 Download
Marge: Homey, someone's at the door. They want to talk to you about some sort of car accident.
Homer: Take the kids out back. I'll handle this. [cocks gun]
12/23/00 Download
Ned: So, what happens next?
Homer: One day soon, I will come for you. And then the game will begin. Could be in the middle
of the night ... could be when you least expect it. Or, whatever's good for you, I don't care.
12/24/00 Download
Marge: Oh, it looks the Flanders are having a nice Christmas.
Homer: Oh yeah? We'll show 'em. Come on kids, pretend we got new cross country skis.
12/25/00 Download
Now, let's see. This will make three Christmas's I saved versus eight I ruined. Two
were kind of a draw.
12/26/00 Download
Hmm. I guess Bart's not to blame. Which is lucky, too, because it's spanking season, and I
got a hankering for some spankering!
12/27/00 Download
Bart: No offense, Homer, but your half-assed underparenting was a lot more fun than your
half-assed overparenting.
Homer: But I'm using my whole ass.
12/28/00 Download
Blame me if you must, but don't ever speak ill of the Program! The Program is rock solid!
The Program is sound!
12/29/00 Download
Oh, How am I suposed to last 5 days without shooting something?
12/30/00 Download
Dad, you and your stories. Bart broke my teeth. The nurses are stealing my money. This
thing on my neck is getting bigger.
12/31/00 Download
Yes, Bart's a tutor now. Tute on, son! Tute on.